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- Current: Inverary House
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Inverary House is a 12 bed homeless hostel based in East Belfast which provides safe accommodation and support for individuals with mental health problems within a residential setting.
The support offered in based on the Recovery model – it is service user led, follows a person centred approach and is tailored to meet each individual requirements. The service aims to offer a holistic approach to managing the adverse impacts of mental ill health and to achieve a better quality of life.
“All staff made every effort to make me feel at home and provided me with the support I needed to get back on my feet. I had nothing when I have arrived at Inverary House and now I am prepared to move into my own flat”.
The service supports residents at their point of need with elements from housing, liaising with external agencies, getting linked in with health and wellbeing services and also most recently in building independent living skills and promoting residents to consider education. The aim of this is to maximise resident’s chances of maintaining their tenancy and reduce the risk of the ‘revolving door cycle of homelessness.’ Residents have access to a staff team as and when they require it and weekly keyworking which is integrated into the service delivery.
Residents are supported to achieve their individually chosen goals. Within Inverary House, we are currently building a range of activities and support services to allow residents to develop a more independent lifestyle and to prepare for living in the community.
Referrals are received from NIHE Housing Solutions team in Belfast though there are no geographical restrictions on where our residents come from
The service is funded by the NIHE through Housing Benefit and the Supporting People programme.
Referrals are received from the NIHE Housing Solutions team.
Charlotte Brown, Service Manager
Email: charlotte.brown@mindwisenv.org or call 02890652844.
Registered in Northern Ireland Number NI071976. Registered Office Pinewood House, 46 Newforge Lane, Belfast BT9 5NW. MindWise is the operating name of Mind Wise New Vision a company limited by guarantee and recognised by HM Revenue and Customs as a charity for tax purposes.