Do you need urgent help?

If you need to speak to someone right now, here are some confidential options which provide 24/7 support.  If you're worried you might hurt yourself or someone else, please call 999, or go to your nearest A and E.


For people who are experiencing distress or despair.

0808 808 8000


Helps anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. Childline is free, confidential and available any time, day or night.

0800 1111


24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You don't have to be suicidal to call us

Transforming Workplaces with Mental Health First Aid

Sat, 10 - February - 2024

Transforming Workplaces with Mental Health First Aid


In today's fast-paced world, where demands and stresses are ever-present, the toll on mental health is a reality we cannot afford to ignore. Did you know that mental health issues cost the Northern Ireland economy over £3.4 billion annually, and are the leading cause of employee absence? The need for a proactive approach to employee wellbeing is more critical than ever.


Unlocking the Potential with Mental Health First Aid


Our solution? Mental Health First Aid training – a game-changer in fostering a healthier work environment. MHFA goes beyond the statistics, offering a comprehensive course that empowers individuals to identify, understand, and support those facing mental health challenges. It doesn't turn you into a therapist, but it equips you with the skills to listen, reassure, and respond effectively – potentially preventing crises before they happen.

"Absolutely brilliant course. It was well structured with lots of time for reflection and learning. The trainers were experienced and carefully explained the different conditions. After I attended the course, I had to put into practice what I learned when a colleague became extremely distressed. I don’t think I would have had the knowledge or confidence to support him if I hadn’t attended the training."


Course Outcomes: A Blueprint for Empowerment


As a certified Mental Health First Aider, you gain the ability to recognise signs of poor mental health, provide essential support, and guide individuals toward professional help. This training also enhances your active listening and empathy skills, boosts mental health literacy, and delves into the Mental Health First Aider role, including boundaries and confidentiality. Plus, it emphasises the importance of self-care for maintaining your own mental well-being.


Secure Your Spot: March 1st, 2024


Ready to make a meaningful impact on your workplace? Join us for our upcoming Mental Health First Aid Course starting on March 1st, 2024. It's an investment not only in your team but in the overall health and resilience of your organisation.

Register Here 

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